I phoned Nintendo yesterday and asked them but they said "head office decides the rewards" and that she would "pass on my request, so they can gauge what people want". I can't really see my request passed on though
Just snagged one off eBay for £25 in the event it doesn't get re-listed. There are a few around £25-30. Not ideal but the banana trophy seems to be selling for £50 so it might make more sense to get that and pass it on.
Can I just ask, am I missing something or is club Nintendo really this useless? I've registered a fair amount of stuff and got around 4000ish stars/points/whatever but there's nothing to buy with them apart from notebooks and assorted junk.
Can the Wii point cards be used in the Wii U estore? Because other than those I'm at a loss. Is it always this bad?
No, its not always this bad. They have had some real gems in the past (im glad i snagged my Wii SNES pad when i did) but yea, everything currently is just tat.
As for the point card, no, its only for the Wii shop, not the U's eShop.