I don't really have an issue with the accounts system..bar maybe, if I bought say, a 3DS version of the game, they could implement a sort of PS style cross buy.
Their perceived lack of graphical prowess, I can go play a game on PC, or another system, think it's stunning, yet still go back to say 3D world, Luigi U, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, or Mario Kart, for example, and sill think it's eye candy..
Same goes for their handheld games, comparing say, Luigi's Mansion or other 3DS titles, to some Vita games.
I guess I see Nintendo as graphics and gameplay, consistently, something the other big 2 either get 1 or the other right, in most cases, but Nintendo tend to get it right most times.
As long as they keep doing what they are doing, I'll keep buying their games and systems. |