Oblivion? My Mrs really got into Oblivion. She clocked over 200 hours, and a lot of that was picking "flowers" to make "juices" She also turned herself into a vampire without realising, she asked if some plants were poisonous as she kept taking damage while hunting for "humming plants" (Nern Root) and her face had "gone funny", i clicked she was a vamp pretty quick; but it was me that had to spend 10 hours doing the quest to return to normal...
Umm but yeah, she might like that.
She also semi-liked Little big Planet, and enjoys watching Metal Gear Solid (but not playing herself).
Another mate of mine's Mrs loves Pixeljunk Monsters. Fl0w and Fl0wer might also be worth checking out?
Me and my Mrs have just gotten into a spot of RockBand or GH together. Her on drums, me on guitar. She's terrible at it but we have a good laugh anyway!