Thanks for all of the replies guys!
I've picked up a few games, mostly on sale, in the playstation store:
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary (superior game play to the newest version). I know I'll end up playing both these old classics as well as the new one as I was pretty good at it as a kid in the arcade days. Liek FIFA, good to pick up for the occasional half an hour of competition.
Battlefield 1. Stunning visuals on the projector. Excellent sound. Decent campaign mode and excellent Operations mode on multiplayer. I used to play Counter Strike back in the day, but I'm not that hardcore anymore so this has the flavour of that, but is much more cinematic. I'll probably get the new one a few months after it's release if it measures up.Shadow of the Colosus remaster. Looks good, very atmospheric, but after beating a few colossi it got repetitive in terms of gameplay and I knew I didn't want to waste too much time with it. I uninstalled it and probably won't get back to it anytime soon. Nice enough game.Uncharted 4: Bought this as it seems the most current of the series. If I like it I might revisit the earlier ones, but I tend not to do so with games unless they are a lot of fun. I haven't played this yet, but I'm looking forward to it.Journey: I want to see what all the fuss is about
The list (yet to play):
God of WarHorizon Zero DawnUncharted 4The Last of Us: Everyone has recommended this remaster. I'll add it to the list.Bloodborne: I know I don't have time for all the dark souls series. I suppose this is the one to pick to see what all of this is about. Maybe have it to play after I comolete the first 3 games on my list later in the year.GTA V or Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain? Which of these to get first? I'm leaning towards Metal Gear as Rockstar have a new game coming out later in the year (Red Dead 2?) which I could probably add to the list in place of GTA V... Thoughts?Which horror game should I add? Resident Evil 7?
Other comments:
I'm not fond of Assasins Creed. I found the eariler one very repetitive and the game play not that compelling.
I can't get excited about dongeons and dragons/Lord of rings type games so I won't play Witcher 3 and such games.
I might check out some of the shorter, supposedly cinematic/narrative focused games at some point, Until Dawn and Detroit Become Human just to see what all the fuss is about.
Again, thanks guys. It seems I have enough for a year of gaming if not more in terms of the single player games as well as the regulars that I can pick up casually (FIFA, Street Fighter, GranTurismo & whatever shooter is fun). |