BdobbinsFTW is growing his channel at the moment, he and drift0r had a disagreement over pre ordering games on YouTube and Twitter. Both conducted themselves in a professional manner with argument and counter argument without resorting to the usual name calling or shouting. I like his slightly annoyed verbose style.
I've just started watching Ifreemz on youtube, I enjoy the fact that he doesn't talk all over the game play but Sayers what goes through my head at the time.
Plus Kate ( his friend playing before dawn, is quite hot )
Yeah I don't have the room for a game collection like his but I kind of wish I had all those games.
I think Bob Cornhole is the star of that show (see 3:18) and many other YouTube channels!
Also as Defy Media shut down GameTrailers (and sold the name to IGN) the people behind that started up their own YouTube channel called Easy Allies and that's pretty good. Another channel I recently started watching but isn't new is The Game Chasers.
For anyone after a bit of a retro fix I've stumbled across a YouTube channel by someone called Kim Justice. Some really in-depth videos with plenty for Amiga lovers and retro gamers. This first one about the Rise and Fall of Amiga was really interesting. I was pretty oblivious to the history of the Amiga. I loved my Amiga and remember it's demise in that I could no longer buy magazines (Amiga Attack and Amiga Power) for it and the games dried up but it was interesting to hear about what actually happened. What could have been...
For reviews I'd recommend Angry Joe and Videogamedunkey. Dunkey is less serious than Joe and the production value isn't as high but his reviews are more light hearted jokey affairs rather than full blown 30 minute reviews like Joe.