Well Mr Orange you might like to argue every point I put, attempting to raising standards, but I've got ears and I've got taste and you can keep your mp3, your DTS-CD and all other compressed, compromised nonsense. Even CDs nowadays, with the loudness wars, sound pretty awful.
DVD-A & SACD are much better, usually, but even some SACD are not well mastered. There are also great DRM free downloads at 24bit/96kHz readily available. With today's decent broadband speeds and large cheap HDDs, there is not really any reason to remain locked into the poisonous fruit called iTunes: it's time to break free and enjoy lossless flac or even DTS-HDMA on blu ray. DTS-CD was a compromise for yesterday, it doesn't really have any place in a forward looking modern, music library.
In the past I made do with some DTS-CDs, only when I was not able to get the DVD-A or SACD version of an album. Thankfully those days are over and if you want them you can have all my DTS-CDs. |