...I am not a smart man...
So im 28, 6f1in and about 277lbs last time I weighed myself, id like to say im big boned and have allot of muscle, thats kinda true, but my bones and muscle seems to be made of fat.... For some reason, to motivate myself into getting fit I guess, I signed up for a short bike ride which is going to be about 35-40miles YAY! im told its mostly flat but I have no idea what it will be like.
I have about 60 days until the big day so any pointers on how to get myself into shape for something like this?
My diet was pretty terrible but the past couple of weeks I have cleaned it up allot and now my day to day is something like this:
Home made protein bars (Homemade No-Bake Protein Bars
1 x Large orange or a banana
1 x huuuuge cup of tea with semi skimmed mile (its a teeny tiny splash of milk though!)
Few slices of cheese (pre-sliced edam or similar)
few slices of cold meat
few table spoons of greek yougurt
more tea
This is more variable from home made curries to roasts with loads of veg. Usually always some rice or potatoes but im slowly cutting these down.
Looks a little something like:

Exercise wise I am trying to go for a little and often, I have been aiming for 30min a day, 5 times a week. I usually go home from work at lunch time and sit on a rowing machine or cycle for a while (recently bought myself a set of rollers which are ace!!) I aim to get my HR into the cardio zone which for me I think is 70-85% of my max so ~134-161bpm.
This is my usual on a rowing machine:

And my performance on the bike (an actual bike but on rollers):

(the trophs are me either knackered or falling off!)
(last 5 min on each graph are my cool downs, so I can record my recovery (lack of) performance)
So, If I can keep this up Mon-Friday what are my chances of not dieing trying to cycle 40miles?
Any adjustments or improvements you can recommend?
And just for the hell of it heres my lovely new bike (I really need to start commuting to work more too!)