I haven't done anything for over a month (my longest hiatus for ages!) with having flu and bad weather etc... so, kettlebell class will be interesting tonight..!
very hard as expected, but fun... we didn't really have a break for 45 minutes after the warmup..(apart from when I grabbed the odd 10 seconds here and there..)..
I started off with the 24kg - but dropped to the 20kg towards the end, but happy tho
maybe have a look online (in you're interested in buying some) - as some brands have thicker handles than others (to an extent).. as a guy at the kettlebell class doesn't like using the reebok ones we have, but prefers the more generic ones we have.. ebay have loads... and I don't have massive hands either..
I have to ask, but what is the purpose of having belts in Kickboxing? I assume you don't wear gis or doboks like in Judo, Karate, TKD, which require a belt to keep them shut.