Hi McVicar,
thank you very much for your response.
It's a been a while since this was posted so, i eventually "manned up" and went with the knowledge that lots of Google results back up exactly what you say. I hit google and found a dentist that offers sedation and cracked on with it.
Anyway, it turns out that I'm one seriously lucky SOB as I needed absolutely no work other than a damn good descaling.
To say the dentist was shocked (but not more than me!) that after 35 years (I'm 44) of not seeing a dentist there were zero cavities or any other issues was astonishing. I was also really surprised that they now have these x-ray thingy-bobs that rotate around your head so no more of that pointy stick poking either. All in all, it was thoroughly painless and no sedation required.
It was so painless, in fact, that I've now been back for whitening!
Should there be ANY "proper" work required in the future, I will be taking the sedated root, regardless of cost.
Now more scares for me.  |