Now I know there aren't likely to be many contributors to this thread as it's quite niche, but thought I would try and find some other people with the same issues and maybe get some recommendations of good alternative food products.
I recently (Jan 2018) got diagnosed with a mild intolerance to dairy (casein protein not lactose), wheat and brazil nuts. The latter not being an issue, but practically everything I used to eat had wheat or dairy in it. Finding good alternatives has been hard, so I thought I would share some of my findings and allow others to share theirs.
OK, so milk. I now solely have Oatly (oat milk). This is a good all rounder that I use anywhere I would have had cows milk. I don't drink milk on it's own any more (gutted about that!) as the alternatives just don't hit the spot. The nut milks split in tea, but Oatly doesn't.
I have mostly been eating Schar brown ciabatta roles as an alternative to bread. They are prety good, better toasted and are a good alternative if you really want some bread. I've tried a quite a few others but I always come back to these.
I eat Nairn's crackers and biscuits. All wheat and dairy free as made from oats.
Flora dairy free spread is nice, but I still (very naughtily) will have lurpak instead. Small amounts "appear" to be ok-ish.
Heck sausages are gluten free, so ticks the wheat free box.
I eat manchego, peccorino or various goats cheeses. Nice but not a patch on a vintage cheddar though. Peccorino is a good Parmesan alternative.
The biggest things I miss are pizza, fresh bakery bread and good cheeses.
There are dairy free pizzas (gross cheese) or gluten free pizzas (OK bases but use cows milk cheese). I have now bought a pizza oven to attempt to make my own.
Foolishly I still eat milk chocolate. I like dark chocolate, but there is only so much you eat of that and I looooooove chocolate.
I'll continue to add as I think of more. |