Yup, doing that. Lots of veggies, rice and chicken is my base meal. All home cooked. No junk food, no takeaways, no alcohol (haven't drunk a drop in 4 months), don't smoke, lots of protein (around 200g per day), fruits daily, etc. Consistence with the diet and training. Feeling lighter around the belly already. Training consistently heavy. Short rest periods. Sweating lots. No missed a single workout yet.
I wish I could train one more day per week though. As it is I train 3 times per week (spilt body) around 90 min each time, but I recover quite quickly and have a feeling I could get away with hitting the same muscle group twice per week instead of just once. Unfortunately life doesn't allow it at the moment. Anyway, I am quite happy with the progress even as it is.
Not going for any PRs, not really interested in that, but already hitting quite heavy weights. Considering that it has only been a few months since my return, the strength went up massively since then. I'm very surprised. Just Thursday squatted 130kg 8 reps. It did not felt very heavy too, I always had big strong legs, but I am wary about the knees, getting old (bought knee support so wanted to try it out). Usually I squat with 110kg 10 reps and a few series. I am very careful with deadlift though so I don't go heavy on that. Most I put on so far is 90kg, but I do deadlift at the end of my back workout just to kill it off, so I am pretty tired then. Another reason is, I don't have a belt yet. I don't want to go heavy with deadlift to protect my lower back. Flat bench 106kg 5 reps. Again, I don't go for PRs, so I usually work with 80-90kg sets of 8 reps. I actually do more of incline than flat chest. On all excercises I'm really careful about the form. Going slow on the way down and faster on way up. Full reps, no cheating. Lots of drop sets. Working hard on my mind muscle connection.
I can't wait for tomorrow. I bought elbow supports as well, so will try them on tomorrow for first time. Tomorrow chest. Cannot wait. Feeling good  |