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The Tree Terrorists

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 04:32:39 Mobile | Show all posts |Read mode
I think we should start a global movement right here and now.

this weekend run down to your local garden centre and buy a load of tree seeds

now go and plant them anywhere and everywhere

corner of the park, by the road side, on that bit of wasteland...anywhere is good

It wont take that long or cost that much to plant a few hundred trees and pay back mother earth will it ?

any tree experts here to give us some tips ?

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26-11-2019 04:32:40 Mobile | Show all posts
It is amazing how many acorns turn into oaks if you collect them from parks and municipal car parks before the mowers go round or they get squashed by cars. The healthiest and hardiest, fastest growing are red oak with the large, angular, pointed eaves. So it need cost you absolutely nothing but time to collect and redistribute the acorns. Rubber gloves and a carrier bag are essential accessories to avoid dogs muck on the hands. When it comes to planting, a small, sharply-pointed garden trowel will ensure the acorns reach the soil and root. The problem is that as fast as you add trees to the landscape the farmers rip them out.
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26-11-2019 04:32:41 Mobile | Show all posts
So we get our council tax bills increased when their roots dig the road and path up?  Great idea!

Waste land fair enough but it's a bit daft next to a road.
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26-11-2019 04:32:41 Mobile | Show all posts
One is an absolute martyr to roadside hedges oneself, eh what? One was quite comfortable before they invented those damned hedges. Now one pays so much in local taxes combating the awful things that one may have to move one's capital offshore and try to live off the EU grants alone. Isn't that right, Charles?
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26-11-2019 04:32:41 Mobile | Show all posts
I'm glad you people are tucked away in your own "special" place on the forum.
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 04:32:42 Mobile | Show all posts
I'm sure one is always welcome up at the Subwoofer Palace.

One is a member of AVForums, after all.  
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 Author| 26-11-2019 04:32:42 Mobile | Show all posts
but u quite right at the side of the road u would have root issues

i was thinking about pulling ove ryer car and planting some trees in any bit of isolated wasteland

trees trees and more trees.....that's about as simple as it gets


earth by default (just the way it is ) is always heading for global warming like venus

the life on earth itself is what stops us turning into venus

life creates things like the white cliffs of dover, coal , oil and gas....these and many other mechanism suck the carbon dioxide gas out of the atmosphere

ignoring mankind's role in co2 ..volcanoes churn out huge amounts of CO2

by cutting down the trees and burning coal .... we are doing our utmost to bring on global warming

we are not contributing a great deal to global warming ...but 1 degree will become 2 then 2 ,4, 10

the earth is quite capable of reaching an average of 50c via global warming

anything above 10 degrees warmer than we are now will decimate most complex life ..humans would really struggle to survive

anything above 20 degrees warmer than we have now are looking at the extinction of 99% of all current species including ourselves

after snowball earth ...the temperatures reached 50c average due to co2 emmsios from volcanoes ...there was no multicellur life then but it would all of been killed if there was

in a strange twist of fate it was the freezing , followed by thermal runaway  & the thawing snowball earth that broke the monopoly of single cell life and gave opportunities for multicelluar life to develop

Be warned ...the default setting for earth

= HOT  and fit for Single cell organisms only

the deafult setting is not the earth we live in today
should a great catastrophy happen ...the earth will turn back to a sludge ball ...maybe forever...till the sun goes super nova forever kind of way

earth = 5000 million  years' old
sludge dominated for 4500
multicellular life has shared with single cell life for the last 650 million years ONLY

never forget these facts...or their importance
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 04:32:42 Mobile | Show all posts
One should not forget the corrupt insurance companies which demanded the removal of many town and city trees because their obscene profits did not match the demands of their gambling, overnight shareholders and bonus-hungry directors.

One should not forget the removal of the forests to feed the insatiable greed of dictators and juntas. One should not forget that China and Japan were the customers for much of this illegal logging. Many green activists fought for years against corrupt American politicians who allowed clear felling of native forests in exchange for fat backhanders.

Global warming is not about a damaged earth. It is about a broken system of human hierarchy without a shred of negative feedback. One man, George "Burning" Bush Jnr held back global climate change discussion with a mixture of blatant lies and backward superstition purely for the personal profit of a few cronies.

Politics is a badly broken feedback system. Just as is denial of the democratic rights of ordinary citizens to alter the pre-arranged, no change, back room con tricks of the Copenhagen conference.

The rich and famous and the politicians will always be protected from discomfort while the majority struggle against the reality and expense of living with climate change. When your electricity bills soar theirs will be paid by your crippling taxes. When you have to move at your own expense they will move to somewhere more comfortable entirely at your expense. When your meagre savings are depleted by ever increasing green taxes theirs will be safe offshore or invested in property. While you give up all of your waking hours to work they will begin a round of public talks. Where they earn more in 20 minutes than you do in a decade of toil and trying to make ends meet.

Are the stately homes of England wooded? Or does the National Trust maintain vast poisoned, grass deserts just like the countless golf courses? Does your wealthy, local landowner/industrially intensive farmer receive millions a year to clear the hedges, wildlife corridors and copses to increase his EU subsidised land area? Or does he maintain a few landscape trees in wet or steep areas, incapable of intensive cultivation? Just to give his wealthy, "sporting" clients somewhere to take easy pot shots at point blank range at grossly overfed pheasants which can barely get off the ground?  

Our world is broken through a lack of negative feedback for our self-appointed masters. Do you suppose the fat cats at the world's many Westminsters give a monkey's about AGW? Do you suppose any of the EU subsidised meat and dairy factories care a caged pig or calf about anything but the bottom line? Do you suppose the billionaire supermarket owners give a teenage check out girl about green issues as they cover thousands of square  miles globally with tarmac for their car parks?  Do your think they care about green issues at MacLardy's as they clear fell forests for cattle grazing land run by local slaves?

And you are worried about a few roots damaging the verges? Have you seen the damage caused by 12 wheeler EU lorries bringing in Chinese, slave-produced products?  Trees don't make life intolerable for millions unfortunate to live anywhere near a motorway, main road or lethal rat run. You have no control over the fat cats because they ensure it stays that way. With their security forces and their eaves dropping entirely at your expense.  But you can plant a tree. They haven't made that illegal. Or taxed it. At least, not yet.
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