My quotes were based on the comments that nuclear fallout will cause land to be destroyed and uninhabitable for centuries if not thousands of years. Of course there were deaths from Chernobyl, estimated at a maximum of 50 direct deaths, mainly firemen and the like that were brought in to bring the plant under control and wrongly told it was safe.
The number of people affected by the fallout is difficult to know, and while any death is a terrible thing it wasn't an Armageddon like event people say it would be or seem to think it was.
I feel its all a bit futile talking about it in this way though, it suggests another Chernobyl is gonna happen when really not even likely (I mean winning the lottery every week for a year). More people are killed by coal 'fallout' (toxins) every year but most anti nuclear folk don't seem to be bothered about that, or maybe they are just ignorant to both modern nuclear power and how unclean coal really is.
I don't think anyone did, your running off with your imagination, and if I implied that I apologise (otherwise please quote the comment).
Again (you mentioned it multiple times) I was talking about now and not the incident, safety of modern reactors is unquestioned by anyone who likes to use facts rather than fear.
Regarding Greenpeace they can't decide between them if wind power is good or not, I feel their time has come and gone, its now up to a scientifically backed governments to sort things out, not a band of renegade campaigners.
You can say rubbish all you want but this is evidence based, sorry 
Neither would said family be there if the water cooler was for oil, gas or coal power, or beside an incinerator, sewage works or a recycling centre (or Wigton!). Plenty of places families wouldn't have picnics, I don't see your point.
Its not nonsense though, maybe your looking at it from a certain/different point of view.
As for the bit in bold, over 50 years of energy production around the world without a single death with the exception of Chernobyl speaks quite highly of the safety of such plants, can you name another industry with such a record?
The fact is Nuclear industry has more safeguards than any other, they are safety paranoid, and I'm glad they are and so they should be because when it goes wrong it can go very wrong as pointed out.
In the real world its safe.
In the fear world its only a matter of time until Chernobyl will happen again. |