There are 4 technologies as far as I am aware, (I got this from a bulb buying guide) Normal LED, Compact flourescent, Halogen and High power LED.
Modern energy savers are much better and smaller than the old great big things you used to buy, supermarkets are only good for normal fittings and CFL bulbs normally though, we have a 5 bed house full of awkward fitings, GU10 spotlights, screw fitting bulbs (in 2 sizes) and smaller versions of normal fittings and golf bulbs (the last house owner had a thing for odd light fittings we think), we found the best place to buy was eBay for price but only if you know exactly what you want as sellers can be very hit and miss about returns on light bulbs, I emailed then sent a list of bulbs to the chap at www.powersavebulbs.co.uk and they had most of what we needed for the house and even ones for our outdoor security flood lights.
The downside of CFL energy saving bulbs is that they dont come on instantly at full brightness they take time to warm up but the High power LED bulbs (The way forward when the price comes down) are getting brighter and cheaper, we got some Eveready 3w High power LED bulbs that replaced our 50w Halogen spotlights in the hallway, they are almost as bright and come on at full brightness. Problem is the price, they were about £18 each I think but they have 25 years life according to the boxes, it takes a while to get your money back but we have the hallway light on all the time in winter and there are 10 bulbs we were using 500 watts now we are using 30 watts, also we have fitted energy bulbs into lamps and put them on timer swithces to come on at night, it looks like someone is in when we are out and doesnt cost much to run. we have energy bulbs on all night for security as our house looks pretty dark otherwise.
Also when buying we found you have to be aware what light colour you want and match them, we had to swap some of ours because we didnt understand what "warm and cool" white were, We found we like warm white for relaxing areas and cool white for working areas, cool white is a brighter light per watt used apparently but its too harsh a light shade for the living room.
Feeling quite smug as my sister in law is very "green" and always lecturing us on how she wont fly as it adds too much carbon emmissions and all that (to the point that she has just got a grant and planted 1000 trees on her land to reduce her carbon effect on the planet) but she hasnt got energy savers in yet. I cant wait to make a big point of how green we are when I next see her, plus we have just got an AA rated freezer, I must point that out to her as well,
Last time I saw her I told her I had a great way to counteract global warming and that I was going to leave our fridge door open to cool things down, I was only kidding but she threatened to leave if I said another word on the matter ! |