My panels are in a bad need of a clean as you can see below (though not the best pics ) as a brown dirt layer has formed on them. Has anyone had this done or done it themselves? Alas my installer isn't really interested in the job, so it looks like i need to get some scaffolding in to do it myself. I've had a go with a mop and plenty of water, but this has failed to remove the dirt, so guess i need a power washer or something?
Have you noticed any major reduction in power? The surface of these panels is glass so they should clean off with a good shower of rain. All i can see are bird droppings.. .
AFAIK solar panel glass "should" be self cleaning, i.e rain washes dirt off.
The staining in your photos looks like it is under the glass, on the PV elements themselves. Time to call in the installer/manufacturer for some warranty work maybe?
It's a bit hard to see in the pictures as I can't seem to get a picture that shows it fully and unfortunately I have quite a shallow roof which the installer thinks is stopping the self cleaning from working as it should.
I at 1st thought it was the panels as a mop and water did nothing, so I tried some window cleaner. I only did a small spot (foot square) but in that spot I have a "blue" panel again.
Whilst my 1st call was to the installer it soon became pretty clear that he just wasn't that interested and considering the amount of times he has been out I can't blame him. Plus I think I have offended him somehow
Over 3 and a bit years I have had the ellios4you fail, batteries fail and 6 months back the inverter go.
I gave him a bottle of good whiskey and a box of expensive chocolates for the last one and ever since he has been less than keen. Can't help but wonder if he thought I was making a pass at him (chocolates was probably a mistake ) and that's why his interest has dropped, equally he might just be fed up with my system
I willI ignore your social life, if I may. Probably a mixture of detergent and water is all you need, if indeed you need it.. the problem is getting it up there. If the brown is algae growth then diluted toilet bleach is brilliant and eco friendly. It will have become inactive by the time it hits the water courses and you have the bonus of clean drains... .. buy cheap brand stuff say Aldi and dilute it 4:1 So a power washer squirting the mixture above and allowing it to rain down will work and be safer than faffing with scaffolding. Even a pump action garden sprayer will squirt up to 4 metres
I would be wary about driving water from a power washer directly onto anything except steel... I succeeded in removing rendering from external walls by enthusiastic use.
well....I get your point that the dirty solar panel does not look good, but does it worth the effort to clean it? I mean, you have to climb to the roof maybe?
I googled it and found this, "Dust on solar panels does make a difference in performance but it's not a big enough factor in some locations to warrant cleaning." (Solar Panel Cleaning | GreenMatch) but if you really want to clean it, maybe water and soap is enough. but safety first
Well as I paid an extra £600 to go from 240 to 245 watt panels, I think you can guess my answer to that.
I've tried a few people now and none of them ever come back to me, so it looks like it will be a scaffolding job for myself to do. As you say though I've not noticed any drop in performance, but I now plan to sell the house in 6 to 12 months time so I'm just going to leave it to then. Repaint the outside of the house and clean the panels at the same time.