My electricity bill is about 250 euro per month. Average... This will be high to many but the house is basically all electric, . An air source heat pump, a few high end gaming computers and an oxygen concentration machine in use a lot of the time.... During summer, solar thermal help occupancy is basically 24/24 365 with 5 adults. . The base load, is around 650 watts, 300 of which is accounted by the circulation pump for the ufh. The rest would be pressured water, ethernet, and other networking.. Peak power could be 4 kw from the heat pump. For the few times per year when the heat pump cannot provide, an oil burner comes on.. .. but that only a total of a few hours per year if even... Detached house, 270 sq m and people who won't close windows!.
Cooking and washing by electrical means. , But I do use gas for the hob. |