I don’t think we would save money overall with a meter though, going by the mrs parents water bills. They are only across the road and very frugal with water. Bills are similar to ours.
^^^ but at some point they won't be and it might be worth making the change
- my own (Affinity Water) and my parents' (Anglian Water) metered water bills have hardly changed over the last decade or more
My bill went up a bit but as I've moved home at the end of March it's confusing. I'm paying more in a 1 bedroom flat (with single person reduction) than I did in a 3 bedroom house with 2 people (one with council tax benefit) and in the same town (though now closer to the town centre than before). I don't understand why it's more. My old house may even had been band B (as it says on here). Whilst now I'm band A. Unless it IS just the increase. But that would be £10 more per month.
When you go from B to A it should become less...Especially if you then also have a single occupancy discount. Unless you are now in a different council it doesn't make sense to me.