So we finally have a date for the visit. It will not be a full state visit but nevertheless it will be an important and symbolic visit.
Of course we can expect protests, but I hope we can extend our welcome in the same way that we do for all visiting heads of state.
Maybe, now is the time to take a fresh look at his time in office?
Certainly it has not been the end of the US as we know it. The economy did not tank, and WW3 did not break out (at the time of writing )
In fact, the Korea situation looks very promising. No other President has been anything like as effective.
The US economy is doing well and the employment rate has improved significantly. We may see him be re-elected for a second term.
We know he doesn't do things like a career politician, but that is understandable being a businessman.Maybe that is a good thing. He has many faults and many minorities dislike him because of what he has said.
But the fact remains, he is the President of the USA, a close ally and we should politely welcome him. |