Whilst it's open to scrutiny it seems to be lacking any real teeth on regulation and is normalised to a point of little real world repercussions considering the vast fortunes these tech giants make . It is a powerful tool but is it now being used for manipulation, not only political ?
This one tweet knocked $5.7 bn of the value of Amazon.
I would of hope a pre planned outburst that can and may send stock tumbling or going through the roof would have aids , staff etc to say hold on you can't do that mate as it could be seen as stock market manipulation and one would take a step back . Twitter is instant and effective in regards to both tweets they never backed up said tweet with any policy or business. As such one tweet from one person cost many a few but I expect made a few some serious $$$ .
He could have just as easily said something like that off the cuff in an interview or if someone stuck a mic in front of him at some event. The power is in the words not the delivery mechanism.
Again the POTUS tweet was not policy and yet it knocked $5.7 billion off Amazon's value . The point of this thread was or my point was is social media now so powerful that it has overtaken democracy and politics and is now a more powerful tool .
A question , we will use Trump as an example here . What does he use more to get his message out ? Social media or News media outlets ? And also why would he choose one over another ?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'Twitter is more powerful than Democracy".
Trump says all sorts when he has a mic in front of him - just look at what he said on his campaign, or any time he goes on Fox and Friends or anything else.
I couldn't possibly tell you which he uses 'more' as I don't follow his twitter feed or watch American news/'news' programs or watch the Whitehouse press briefings - other than what I see clips of on the BBC news site.