Not saying it is the case here, but claims of misogyny amoungst others is used as 'faux outrage' either directly in defence of her(or the others mentioned) because of her(their) political views such as on Brexit and/or an attack or effort to devalue and discredit the comments of people with opposing political views.
On the left, outrage at perceived prejudicial comments or actions is a problem because it tends to be part of the core ideological beliefs of much of the left.
Some sections of the Left can and do actually believe innocent or neutral comments are genuinely 'prejudiced' without any credible supporting evidence.
That of course can lead to the devaluing of peoples acceptance of the significance and problems faced by those facing genuine prejudice.
Therefore, labeling a person or position that questions conservative values or policy as prejudiced has become a somewhat effective and automatic reach for tool in right wing debating arsenal. |