Who am I ? a human being 
It's not my personal assessment, it's the fact that we seem to have become detached to what currency actually is, probably due to the change to fiat money, but even before that with industrialisation and the rise of financial investments etc.
Fundamentally, the amount of time, effort and skill a human being put's into a task has a value.
Currently, because of the way we live and run our economies, that value is the 'market value' ie what someone is willing to pay.
That means invariably that two tasks that require the same amount of time, effort and skill but produce or create different things end up with different market values.
There is some abstract average unit of value for a universal persons time, effort and skill based on the economy of a society and the world, where by everyone else's time, effort and skill can be measured against, but that obviously fluctuates with the markets and demand.
The actual value of anyone's time, effort and skill is not only open to market forces of demand, but also opertunity and the ability to negotiate or 'sell' that value to others.
So two people with exactly the same time, effort and skill who's abstract market value to the economy is equal may actually be valued differently when it comes to pay.
Additionally, the market values of 'things' including peoples time effort and skill are subject to the whims and variances of fashions, trends and beliefs, not just or even despite actual needs or real benefit.
Also they are effected by scaleability and distribution. If two people spend the same time, effort and skill to create something, but one is a physical object while the other is say a piece of software or a song(at this point in writing my post there is a pause while I wipe off the dead fly from my monitor that I shot with my nerf gun), the shear volume of sales available for the digital media increases it's market value well beyond any connection to the required time effort and skill.
In a rational world populated by rational people, market forces and market values of peoples time, effort and skill would be fare more corellated to the real worth.
However, we don't live in a rational world and we aren't rational people, hence why for some reason people seem to be willing to pay £18.99 for a 13" pizza from a well known and popular fast food chain .... considering it's between a 800-900% markup in price to make.
Surely there is a better way to value and reward time effort and skill than 'market value' or rewarding fiscal generation as a means to an end .... |