OK, time for the big reveal! It's had two sprays with the purple lacquer to create the burst on the body and on the face of the headstock. It still needs a tiny bit of tidying up - a little bit more spraying to solidify the purple in one area of the edge of the body, and unfortunately a few spits of purple made their way into the blue parts so I need to see if I can carefully scrape those off a bit before I then apply the coats of clear gloss on the top. After that it will need to sit and dry for about 2 weeks before the final sanding and buffing process, and then I'll finally be able to assemble it and - with a bit of luck - play it!
So here's the front of the body:
And the back of the body and neck. I decided to leave the neck blue, as I think it was a really nice colour and I wanted to leave part of it untouched on the guitar.
I may be wrong, but I think that when the first coat of gloss goes on, it will dissolve the surface of the previous coats and soften the edges a bit, which would be good. If it doesn't, it's not a big deal, but if my hypothesis is correct then that will help to make a smooth burst.
Here's the front of the headstock in close-up. I actually wanted to leave a bit more of the blue in the middle but it's not a big deal.
So unless I get requests to show specific details, I think that's about it for the photos for a while, until the lacquer dries and I can actually finish the paint job. I hope you've enjoyed the show so far and please feel free to let me know what you think of it, good or bad! Did I spoil it by adding the purple burst, or improve it? At least it's a fairly unique-looking guitar! |