Does anyone do this? My daughter is 10 going on 11 and reads quite a bit and has started reading more mature books.
Hunger Games is a book that she's interested in, but when I saw the film had to be cut to be reduced from a 15 to a 12A rating, I read the book to see if the story and scenes in it would be too much for her to handle.
As this is a critically rated book I would not want to discourage her from adding this to her reading list based on the Film. After reading it, while violent and sometimes quite graphic, its well written and the harshest events are handled out of the main characters view and so not in view of the reader either. But I will advise her that this it's quite intense in places and describe some of the harsher scenes in advance. And of course, if she decides to read it, she can stop or ask me to join in her reading any time.
Now, its a valid point that I wanted to read this anyway as it intrigued me, but as she's not a teenager just yet, I was interested to see how these books read as opposed to what the films show us.
BTW, I did a similar thing with Harry Potter, but the first couple were in no way an issue, I just wanted to see what the fuss was about  |