Long rambling post, beware....
He was my first superhero as such I think probably - I actually started reading Groo as my first comic purchases - I wanted a 'proper' comic like all my mates had, but could not be arsed with the X-Men and other superheroes that they were reading at the time.
I had 2000AD, and luckily there was a comic shop at the bottom of the road where my school was, and I went in there one evening and asking for a non superhero comic (circa 1984?) he pointed me towards Groo, and even said if I brought them back in the same condition I could have my money back...
After reading them and ******* myself on the way home on the bus, my collectors impulse kicked in, I grabbed them all over the next year or so. I then picked up some more non super hero comics in the form of Sandman, Strangers in Paradise etc, and by then I was well and truely hooked. I dont know where my first Daredevil came from or even what it was, but I suspect it was part of the Miller run, to then make me pick up practically everything he touched. Daredevil also had that (for monetary reasons) aloneness that meant you did not have to buy 6 issues a month to find out what was going on as most marvel comics did with multiple tie-ins.
I think it still came back to the non super powered superhero thing - Batman and his training and toys, and Daredevil with acrobatics and well empowered sight.
Stuck with him ever since, but I had a massive hiatus of comics that lasted 7 years, then when I came back I had a little more disposable cash, and rediscovered my collectors urges, meaning that my Daredevil wants list gets shorter and shorter as we progress through the years.
He can hold his own versus Spiderman and Captain America (even just going on Vol 3) and artwork from both Romita's, Miller etc and writers such as Waid have made it a cracking read throughout. Yes it has some filler and crap issues and no I dont own them all nor even read them all yet (my hiatus was around vol 2 issue 50 and I came back at shadowland so missing the block there but read and own around half of it now), as there are some 550? issues, but I am not far off.  |