Couldnt agree more, the Elder Gods series is just dire. The constant repetition of everything in every chapter and every book is mind numbing and the ending is just pitifil. His use of Deus ex Machina has been prvelant all through his books but this just took it to extremes that were unsustainable. Just look at the reviews on Amazon to see how bad people think they are. Loads of one star reviews.
The James Clements books are very enjoyable. I just wish he would continue his current series, it seems to have stalled after two books.
Yes, another good series, the second trilogy is equally enjoyable and the third trilogy ties in with both the previous trilogys and links in her previous stand alone novels, Threshold and Under the Hanging wall.
Another good series and an author who isnt afraid to kill off his characters is always nice. I was a bit disapointed in the final Raven book though, felt like a bit of a cop out to me, but it was still better than a lot of other offerings |