Of course! 
"..back to the mud..." is what is on this one, which is what I asked for.
I have all the books in 1st Hardback editions, and all are signed, I think the last one is not lined though.
I think the second one is tagged with a line that is relevant to the book title, while the first is a quote from Glokta, something like "Why do they do this? Why? Why?"
I dont think he is up his own arse, admitidly, I dont do facebook, but thought he was quite amusing when I have dipped in and read his webblog.
Joe Abercrombie | News
He read a passage, then answered a few questions - this is supposed to be a book of a series of four? There is possibly a cowboy (ish) type theme* or characters in one of them, Glokta may be back soon, and then the other questsion related to editing and how long a book takes him (aprox 18 months)
The tour continues around the country over the next week - this was at Forbidden Planet in London, and yes, I did get a t-shirt 
Ooooh, Tour, Interview | Joe Abercrombie
* I asked him had he read the Shannow books by David Gemmell, he said he had not but may take a look. |