I'm now in danger of fulfilling the requirements for the subject header in this post with Innocence by Dean Koontz. Finding it very boring and it's turtle speed reading im doing at the moment with it. Very close to leaving it on the virtual Kindle cloud shelf.
My favourite novel, but if you don't enjoy it from the first chapter it won't change your perception by reading any more of it. It's beautifully, engagingly frustrating. Which is exactly what it wants to capture
For me, it's Paradise Lost by Milton. Dull. How much hell? Alot. Many times over. Hard work, no joy to be had.
I've always tried to finnish a book but never managed to get past the first couple of pages of James Joyces' Ulysses and I've been trying for 30 years now. The other one is Thomas Pynchon's 'V' although I haven't made as big an effort with it as i have James Joyce.
The only similarity is the title.
I found the book a bit of a slog and like someone said, I kept forgetting what had happened previously and had to flick back quite a few times.
Agree about one hundred years of solitude. Was actually looking forward to reading it after having it in my pile for a while. Once I did start to read it I just gave up. One of the biggest disappointments in literature after all the hype.