I paid £30, and was lucky I think. I did have enough on it to cover it up to about £60 though, and watched it like a hawk until it ended.
I found a couple of Proofs on Abebooks of the Troy series, you can get Troy and SoT and have enough to buy a pint with the change of £100...
gemmell - proof david gemmell - AbeBooks
Ignore the ludicrus price for QfLH - Yes I would love it, yes the price is way too high, and No, Bookplates signed by David Gemmell does not mean he ever saw the book and could have been applied after the man died.
I have seen people trying to sell 'signed' editions, when all they have done is cut the signature from a paperback, not even a plate, and then border it and stick it in. In case you cant tell, I ****ing hate bookplates.
As for Slipcased Troys' never seen them that low, but I will admit not to be actively looking for them - as mentioned, this forum (and chatting to Nick) revived my Gemmell collectors interest whcih had waned slightly, but only because I knew the last books I needed where all very expensive. I had a good run of catching up though in the last year thankfuly aided by a temporary position (that I am just about to complete a whole year of) which gave me the extra funds to be able to look into the first place.
Again, Abebooks has them at the £125 range:
david gemmell - slipcase - AbeBooks
lol, yeap!
Fixed now.
Added pics of the US edition paperbacks. Yep they look like they have been found in a skip - I think I got Legend (Against the Horde) in the most run down charity shop you EVER saw, and Waylander was in a box in the front of a house clearance shop, so is just as beat up as it looks, I cant remember where I found KBtG, either in a third location, or with another - hmm, it may have been AtH and Waylander in the house clearance, and KBtG in the charity shop. It was a long while ago.....