As they often have books down to 99p but I dont check regularly or know if the books any good thought I would start a thread when anyone spotted a good book for 99p or less.
I was looking today and wondered if this was any good Kill Me Again eBook: Rachel Abbott: Kindle Store
First books I picked up from Kindle although not 99p but only works out at £1.67 a book is the first 6 books by Scott Mariani Ben Hope series. I have the next 5 in the series in paperback and this 6 set takes me up to last years Cassandras Sanction.
I not got round to this first set but the hero of the books sort of a man alone Bond who is ex-SAS and also had a firm dealing in kidnapping recovery's.
Just spotted there was a section on Kindle for first in series book and looking though them I spotted this which I have read and ejoyed and also in an other thread in the book section someone else has recommended the book, its £1.99 and cheaper than any of the other options and from what I remember was an very thick paperback. Magician (The Riftwar Saga, Book 1) eBook: Raymond E. Feist: Kindle Store
An other of David Baldacci Memory Man which seems the be given a push as I saw in Salisbury's at £3.49 and same in WHSmiths at £3.49 but had to by a Telegraph to get at that price but here for >99p< on Kindle.
I have read it and although police detective story's not really my thing I gave it 4/5.