For the last 15 years wifey and I have holidayed either in Cancun or Rhodes (lindos or Pefkos). We l ike some nice food and wine, a quiet life, and quality accommodation. Dont do anything site seeing wise and not looking for anything nightlife just a little peace.
With kids for last 10 years the model has been much the same - although a kids club / similar families makes for happy friends. But not too many!!
Looking for something late this August for the 4 of us that is not as far as Mexico (just got back last weekend) and a change from Rhodos (we've been about 20 times in last 15 years). But of course we dont want to spend a precious weeks holiday on a dud.
Requirements are
- warm (>70, <90)
- within 4 hours flight from Manchester
- no more than £4000 for 2 weeks for the 4 of us inc decent food & drink (prefer B&B and then eat out)
- pool
- smart, clean, quiet (nothing with thousands of guests or screaming tour reps trying to get me to do beach press-ups).
- family friendly
Lindos/Pefkos excellent models but only so many times we can go there 
Thanks for thoughts. |