I've had this engine in a school car and it wasn't far off my expectations.
If you treat it as a normal 1.2 petrol in a small and light bodied shopping car then it will be fairly frugal.
The problems start when you put this unit in a family sized car and use the turbo all the time just to keep up with traffic.
You're better off choosing a larger unit and stressing it less. That way lie smaller fuel bills and increased mechanical reliability.
I leant that lesson early. I had two Rover SD1's (I know, I'm suitably ashamed but I had a large drum kit) and the 3.5 litre V8 used less fuel than the straight 6 2.6 litre. Same weight car but much lower revs in the V8.
I'm a big fan of Renault engines but I wouldn't trust any figures from them. Or anyone else for that matter. |