I've recently changed job roles so i'll be handing back my company car next year which means i'll need my own. I've already started looking at what's available and I've also taken a Mini Cooper S and BMW M140i for extended test drives.
My question is, are extended test drives really that rare and am i expecting too much when asking dealers to let me take a car for 24hrs? Mini and BMW (i know they're the same technically) have been great so far and have zero problems with letting me take a car for a day or 2 with completely unlimited mileage. Other dealers like Renault and Mazda have point blank refused and only offer a short accompanied test drive on a pre-planned route! Does anyone really buy a brand new car after only taking it on such a short drive?
I know there's no way i'll even bother test driving unless it's a minimum of 24hrs, i want to know whether it's going to be comfortable after extended periods behind the wheel and as well as testing it on pretty much every road imaginable, i want to know what the interior and infotainment system is like so i'll often spend an hour or two just sat playing with all the gadgets.
Would love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this. |