They need to make cars too hot to handle. My BMW has built in gps and 4g which can be used to locate the car. If they steal a car that can easily be located then hopefully it'll start putting the thieves off.
Pre-conceived back-up plan, or a light bulb moment after the event type of back-up plan? (that story still makes me laugh, along with the pic of your family speeding away).
To be honest they were the backup, as six months previosuly we had moved into the alexa/app based remote world, with the physical remotes for when it didn't play ball. Funnily enough with just me in the house, it hardly ever went wrong
Both of which can be easily blocked by putting it in say a metal box like a shipping container or just taken to an underground garage to have them disabled.
There are some trackers that are harder to block than others, I recall several years ago Tracker did a big PR piece as one of its trackers managed to locate a customers stolen car whilst it was being shipped whereas the other cars on the ship werent detected from their trackers (they failed to mention that some of the other cars also had lower grade Tracker devices and just focused on their competitors ones that hadn't been able to find the cars)
Former is useful, the second is fairly useless as shipping containers move and given a car can just be driven/wheeled in could be done in any quiet road/layby etc
Keyless systems raise the cost of insurance and there has been much pressure applied to ban these kind of systems from insurance experts. So i guess VAG removed it as "stand feature" to reduce the insurance banding.