I too agree with the comments above and as a wise man once said to me, you only get one heed. Don’t go only by sharp ratings for a helmet as it might have 5 stars, but it doesn’t fit worth a hoot. Same goes with reviews, as a quiet one for someone is very noisey for next person. This is the only item you MUST buy new. There is lots of really good kit about and to find the shape that best fits your head, you need to spend a bit of time at your local accessory/bike shop. Whilst there, try their clothing to get an idea of your size. Make a note of the makes and sizes that fit you. The Italian stuff can be a neat fit compared to other brands. When I started, I did this for my clothing then picked up quality 2nd hand stuff off eBay. I also went for Gore-Tex due to being up in the north east of Scotland and this was a god send on many occasions ( including dac) As for the boots, try and get ones that offer a bit of torsion for going over your ankles. Not the best to walk on but hey, who wants to walk when you’re got a bike. Gloves have been mentioned above and if you can keep warm and dry ( even when it’s raining) you will not tire of enjoying your ride.
Finally the bike. Some dealers can be a bit reluctant to give a newly qualified rider a test drive which I am surprised about. You’d think this would be a definite sales opportunity as you have no bike. I’ve got an upright one and it does exactly what I need. Comfort and a bit of go to overtake and comfort to cruise about. Did I mention comfort? Anyway, sorry for the long winded post. Good luck with the course and keep practicing them u-turns. Once you get your license, you’ll never use them cause you just find another way home.
Enjoy |