Altough I've got a Quattro I queried fitting winter wheels and tyres with my insurer MoreThan. What they said was that provided they are the manufacturer's recommended type and size that was all that was required, no need to inform or ask permission.
So will any e90 alloy fit? If mine are staggered does this mean the winter tyres would need to be the same? Seems like there's many on eBay which are same all round.
Ive had couple of sets got good year ultra grip on my fiesta at the moment and they are decent. Good year vector 4seasons were better tho.
Ive had my 25mile trip home from work at 4am on 3 inches of fresh snow and its so good, Normal tyres have no grip in comparison if don't have 4wd.
Highly recomended to get any decent brand if in snowy area. Have to be tried to be believed really.