This show aired on TV on February 6 1984 starring Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder, Dean Butler as Almanzo Wilder and Richard Bull as Nels Olesen. Little House: The Last Farewell was the third and last TV movie based on the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder, though it was telecast out of sequence, shown before the second film. Charles Ingalls and his wife Karen leave in another town far away from Walnut Grove. So Charles gets a vacation and the only place that Charles and Karen wants to go back to is Walnut Grove. So the two get on a train and then takes a stage coach that's drops them of in front of the Wilders house three hours early. So Melissa who's overwhelm with emotions after seeing her mom for the first time in 5 years. Out of nowhere a vaster shows up at the Sunday church service and makes an announcement that sets off a chain of reactions that no one dream of. This was the third of three "Little House" telemovie sequels, and the last story to be filmed, but not the last to be broadcast it debuted during Easter of 1984, while the film made before it, Little House: Bless All the Dear Children in 1984 would air eight months later, in December of that same year. I wasn't a big Little House on the Praire fan but this movie made for TV. Caught my eye. I love the action and drama and it kept you on the edge of you seat. Based on that, I give this movie 8 weasel stars, because there was no real leading actress.
score 8/10
garyldibert 6 July 2008
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw1905690/ |