A plot line so horrifyingly unrealistic that it will make you cringe. Laura's child Rose is abducted by a deranged woman who has given birth to a still born. After a long search, and another stow away orphan boy, the daughter is found. No chages are pressed. The orphan boy Samuel runs away and a cringe worthy holy star lights the way to him with the strength of a spotlight. To top this off all sleep over in the house of the woman who stole Rose to begin with!!! They then all seem to be friends. and the orphan boy is given willingly to the woman and her husband. In between that story line is another about how warm it was that Christmas, with shots of bushes blooming and trees fully leaved as if this was possible in Minnesota at the time and a hunt for Christmas trees and the meaning of the holiday. I have been a fan of Little House since it's first episode but this was by far, the worst written of any including blowing up the town. It was painful to watch.
score 1/10
toughguynnj 12 February 2021
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw6587502/ |