"The Whole Shootin' Match," a landmark of American independent film. Eagle Pennell's tragic comedy captures the struggle between two small- time cowboys, Loyd and Frank, who desperate to land their big break. I love that the movie was shot in Austin, TX. I don't think they could have chosen a better place, but that might just be me being bias because I am from there. This film is a perfect example of how a simple story can become so appreciated. Even with the restricted amount of money they had to film this movie, the characters of Loyd and Frank did a great job at catching the attention of the audience. To be honest I didn't have very high expectations about the film. I thought it was just be another typical cowboy movie. This movie showed a powerful message of friendship between Frank and Loyd. Even through hard times, their relationship remained strong.Overall, this film is about friendship, loyalty, trust, and determination to achieve your goal, whatever that goal might be. I think most can relate to this movie somehow, whether it be a character or the messages behind it. I definitely recommend this to anyone who like independent films or wants to check one out. I don't recommend it to anyone who likes the movies with "glamorous" filming. This was a low- budget film, but regardless Eagle Pennell did a great job at getting the message across. Oh, and if you are from Texas I say you check it out!
score 7/10
cocomariev 11 May 2011
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw2427174/ |