Who cares if its deductions are accurate? Everyone's dead and we'll never know for certain. What matters is this story delivers you a culprit which owing to the official unsolved status, I didnt believe I would see until the last second. Very well done TV fare. If I have one criticism, it is the filming quality. On the interior and set shots, the camera work and lighting cast those pinkish hues off of phony scrubbed brickwork that betray a backlot and might confuse you into thinking you are watching an old Gunsmoke rerun. But rest assured, the story is powerful enough to make this quite insubstantial for a normal person. The performances are excellent. Michael Caine would be good doing tampon commercials, and the rest of the mostly English cast are all equally excellent. There are some truly frightening sequences. Asante's conversion into Mr. Hyde is the stuff nightmares are made of. The suspense at the climax deftly handled. Its quite long, and drags only a bit 3/4 through. But this is well worth anyone's time who has an interest in this most infamous of criminal investigations. Which puts it up just about everyone's alley doesnt it?
score 9/10
glgioia 25 October 2002
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw0258572/ |