This modest film has the feel of "Manchester By the Sea," but without the over-the-top melodrama. Set in a small New England village, the film follows the lives of three buddies reunited at the time of the death of one of their dads. There are some touching and heartfelt moments in this well-crafted slice of life of dysfunctional New Englanders.
We see the action primarily through the eyes of Jon, the former high school quarterback and erstwhile writer. Jon is about to give up his fishing vessel, the Mandy Lynn, and commit himself to full-time writing.
While Jon has the touch of the poet, Sam is a hard-working realtor, who was divorced from Kate, another one of the close connections to all the characters from high school. Sam is dedicated to supporting his daughter, but struggles with loneliness and must face an episode of premature ejaculation in a long night on the Mandy Lynn.
Dave is the playboy who left town. After a failed stint in Las Vegas, he is now residing in Arizona. It is Dave's father who died and for whose funeral he has reluctantly returned to the Massachusetts fishing village. In a moment of confessional, Dave opens up to Jon about the affair he once had with Kate.
Jon is outraged because he feels that the Dave's affair was an affront to Sam, despite the fact that Sam and Kate were separated at the time. A shortcoming of the film was to unconvincingly depict women who fall for Dave and become emotionally enmeshed with essentially a loser.
One of the more interesting scenes was a therapy session, wherein Jon lets loose a rare outburst of anger in an act of self-loathing. As a gifted writer with a New Age girlfriend, it puzzling why he seemed so disconnected from himself. It is also not clear if his therapy will make a difference. One also wonders how he is able to pay for a therapist.
One of the strengths of the film is that we are never given pat answers to the dysfunction in the characters' lives. We do not learn why Dave left town, other than his father was a philanderer. We never learn what was the emotional connection between Kate and Dave. We never learn why the women flock to him. Those deep, dark secrets appear to be known only to the Mandy Lynn.
score /10
lavatch 27 May 2018
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw4179825/ |