The screenplay obliterated the story. Maybe it can be dubbed as the worst screenplay of 2013 in Bollywood with a maddening plot that revolves around an unmarried couple who get into serious trouble after buying a second-hand smart-phone. Almost every sequence feels like they have been cut-short.
While Neil has portrayed his role in a very efficient way even though his character is ambiguous, Sonali is an object here with a parade of cleavages and skimpily-clad underthings with not much to act; a catalyst maybe. The music sucked big time with no respect to the vivid genre this story necessitates. One with a good message, the story of 3G is very confusing & poorly executed with shaky cinematography, amateur direction & even worse editing.
With every other person in Fiji Islands speaking Hindi, flashes of horrid faces here and there, sex, nudity, porn, foreplay, relationships, paranoia, schizophrenia, poor makeup, gruesome attitude and the rather clichéd and unorthodox idea of 'witchcraft' & black-magic instilled into technology, 3G is a disappointment. Plus, the climax is shown twice, literally.
Characters are very poorly rendered and gaudiness is the prime topic of this movie with almost everything (which is wrong) left to the viewer's imagination. Not recommended!
BOTTOM LINE: A good message lies in this haphazardly executed movie. Watch it for the high performances and some reality bites in a juxtaposition of poor film-making attributes & parameters.
Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NO
Language: Strong | Sex: Critical | Foreplay & Mouth-Kiss: Critical | Porn: Strong | Violence: Very Strong | Gore: Very Critical | Smoking: Mediocre | Alcohol: Mediocre | Drugs: No
score 3/10
nairtejas 17 March 2013
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw2768546/ |