"Cowboy Up" revolves around a contemporary rodeo bull-rider (Thomas), his family, and friends. Earnest in purpose with good art and technicals, this flick (aka "Ring of Fire") fizzels on story. The central character is a stoic, brooding, self-centered, self-destructive guy haunted by patriarchal issues making it difficult to really care about him and how the film plays out. The film is also fraught with inconsistencies such as Sutherland telling his brother not to ride of it will kill him and later telling him he'll be fine....etc. "CU" may have some entertainment value for those interested in rodeo though serious cowboys will likely scoff at this clumsy story and be disappointed in the minimal amount of actual rodeo action in the film. Best saved for broadcast. (C-)
score 5/10
=G= 5 September 2002
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw0629849/ |