Clark(Joshua Leonard pf "The Blair Witch Project" fame)is a young and idealistic new intern at a run-down and out-dated mental health facility.His aspirations for cleaning the place hit a snag when he butts heads with Dr.Franks(Lance Henrikson)who seems to not mind that the patients never seem to get any better.Shortly Clark begins seeing things and death and mayhem invade the reality of the "Madhouse". Together Clark and Sara must uncover who or what it is that stalks the asylum and survive the massacre."Madhouse" is a nicely woven tale that offers some creepy moments and few gore scenes.The boy ghost who continues to pop up is sure to raise the hairs on your arm as will the scene at the end when we learn the truth of the patient in that room in the basement.Overall,"Madhouse" is a truly worthy addition to any genre fan's collection of twisted horror movies.
score 8/10
HumanoidOfFlesh 28 August 2007
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw1720112/ |