As a matter of fact, I love this show. It's tied with Futurama as my all time favorite TV show. Unfortunately, its quite over-looked because people are too busy watching garbage like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Family Guy (yeah, I said garbage).
Ever since South Park aired, idiots have developed a theory that the more swears and randomness stuck in a cartoon will make it more funny. Of course, it never worked. Home Movies finally offers something different.
The use of retro scripting is what really makes Home Movies shine. It makes all the dialogue feel so uncontrived, which can't be said about a lot of other cartoons. The jokes are intelligent, but not pretentious, and not just based on random crap. Its a lot like Seinfeld in the sense that everything that happens seems to be pointless at first, but it all ties in at the end.
Even on weekdays when I'm really tired, I'll still tough it out enough to stay awake and watch it.
score 10/10
Glorback 16 January 2006
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw1267017/ |