How people can think that this is a credible series is unbelievably naive. The acting is over dramatised and the characters portray typical socialite roles of Spanish media journals . Compared to Fariña , this show is just awful. I was hoping to see a more realistic portrayal of Galicia and it's people intertwined with the history of smuggling. What you get is a shallow copy of earlier shows catering to mothers and aunties with a slightly more adult theme.
The cast are all model standard beautiful and tend to be filmed in poses that accentuate their looks more than their character or acting abilities. This coupled with the filming style of Telenovela / Soap opera shows makes the whole viewing rather weak and at times laughable.
I tried my best to keep an open mind while watching this but after a while found myself thinking it was just so bad on so many levels that watching it any further is a pure waste of time.
score 3/10
apepatch1 11 February 2020
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw5475748/ |