When this first premiered, I was like, "meh". I was in that stage where I wouldn't care what Nickelodeon pumped out, I would just watch it anyway. I gave it a watch, and I was surprised.
This show is actually pretty good. Unlike the shows that were on Nick at the time, which were lacking in any sort of humor (*cough* iCarly and Victorious *cough*), this show actually has humor, and it's pretty good. I think the actress who played Kacey really had potential, and it's a shame she didn't really go anywhere after this show (well, if she did, I certainly don't hear from her). I know that Noah and Chris went places. They hosted You Gotta See This (another underrated Nick show that had potential), and they acted together in the Nick TV movie, Swindle.
But of course, people had to hate it. I feel that people hate on this show is just because of the fact that it's modern and it's from Nick, the channel that supposedly "ruined their childhoods". Well, I say give this show a chance. It's not terrific, but it's at least good, and not an annoyance like iCarly and Victorious.
score 5/10
slimer8489 13 January 2015
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw3161603/ |