What does redux mean - something that has been repeated over & over & over ... again ad nauseam.
Proof in point: Usual mix (one or more each) of gender racial casting in detective dept. Good for viewer demographics/ratings, but now a fixture in all detective series. Usual body at beginning (usual sites - beach, alley, boat on Thames, etc.) followed by lots of tension/issues amongst detective crowd (usually w/superior) for drama. Usual arrest a few suspects until actual suspect revealed at very end & is amongst the least likely. Usual family or love issues. Forensics a bit weak. Usual lots of screen time panning on heads as they talk. Acting is forced/contrived.
Positives (perhaps): The use of large HD computer monitors to display graphics of suspects & connections so bye-bye old white/chalk board w/pasted on photos & lines pointing every which way to denote complexity of crime. A couple of twists made a tolerable watching, and continuance for season 2.
score 3/10
westsideschl 22 June 2019
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw4951682/ |