This is one of many magical fighting anime series that just finished airing; it is centred on Moroha Haimura one of the 'Saviours' training at a private high school. Saviours are people whose past lives enable them to access various powers and Moroha turns out to be one of the most powerful. These magical skills are used to protect the world from various monsters. Fighting alongside Moroha there are other characters; mostly female.
There seem to be a lot of magical fighting series coming out at the moment and the characters and plots seem to be fairly interchangeable. At least now the series is complete it is possible to watch it without mixing it up with other series! Moroha is a fairly standard shonen lead; initially appearing weak but within a couple of episodes he is very powerful and acquiring a harem of female friends. The series does have some good points; the way characters must write out their spells is original and the battles are fairly exciting. Overall I'd only really recommend this to fans of the genre.
score 7/10
Tweekums 7 April 2015
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw3215979/ |