Stardust Memory is another great installment of the Gundam Universe. Set in the year 0083 of the Universal Century (UC), four years after the One Year War of UC 0079, it tells the story of the last renmants of Zeon who launch a last all-out attack on the Earth Federation. The Zeon forces, led by Aguille Delaz, send ace Anavel Gato to steal a new Gundam that has a nuclear warhead. On his way (always) is rookie Kou Uraki, an Earth Federation Forces cadet who will do everything he can to stop Gato. There isn't a lot of humor, and the love relationship between Uraki and Nina Purpleton is bland, but it's got the signature of a Gundam series, Drama, and battles of epic proportions, character development, and main characters that die. There are a lot of conspiracies that are hard to understand and one has to remember that this series relates a lot to the original Gundam (past) and Zeta Gundam (future).
score 8/10
o_lopez 25 October 2002
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw0560534/ |