oh really, how about everything is undermined by the white terrorists in power, do you even know the real history, didn't the white supremacist play down the history of their actions just like recently they did with a virus.
Black is king like it or not we are here to take over the world and your women and there's nothing you cuckold can do about BLACK TO THE WORLD (WORLD DOMINATION)
we should learn to appreciate Black culture but they shouldn't learn to appreciate white culture because we are the ones that oppress them is that what you're saying cuz I'm confused white people have been enslaving black people for hundreds of years they're tired of being oppressed and they want to speak out all right that would be all well and fine but black people are still enslaving their own people to this day in Africa in fact they started the slave trade by selling their own oh wait a second you didn't know that never mind go back to watching BET people
complete hit and miss.. smh. sorry it wasnt explained well enough. My fault i suppose. yeah.. sure... i didnt know that. for someone that speaks a lit you sure dont have much to say????????